LastPass vs Dashlane

October 15, 2021

LastPass vs Dashlane: Which One is the Password Management King?

Nowadays, it's hard to keep track of all our passwords. With the number of online accounts we have, maintaining unique and secure passwords for all of them is a daunting task. That's where password managers come in, and two of the most popular are LastPass and Dashlane.

Both LastPass and Dashlane offer password management features that can make our online lives easier and more secure. But which one is better? To help you decide, the Flare Compare Team has compared the two tools. We have highlighted the most important features and provided factual information to help you make an informed decision.

User interface

The user interface is the first thing you'll notice when using a piece of software. LastPass and Dashlane both have clean, modern interfaces, but Dashlane's interface is more user-friendly and intuitive. Dashlane's interface is organized and easy to navigate, whereas LastPass' interface can be cluttered and confusing at times.

Winner: Dashlane


Both LastPass and Dashlane work on multiple platforms including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. However, Dashlane's web extension compatibility is broader, supporting more browsers than LastPass.

Winner: Dashlane


Both LastPass and Dashlane offer similar features when it comes to password management, including password generation, storage, and autofill. However, Dashlane offers a few extra features such as a VPN, dark web monitoring, and a digital wallet.

Winner: Dashlane


When it comes to security, both LastPass and Dashlane use high-grade encryption and have a good reputation in the industry. However, LastPass has had a couple of security incidents in the past. In contrast, Dashlane has not had any known security incidents at the time of writing this post.

Winner: Dashlane


Both LastPass and Dashlane offer free and paid plans. LastPass' paid plan is slightly cheaper than Dashlane's. However, Dashlane's premium plan includes more features, including a VPN.

Winner: Tie


Both LastPass and Dashlane are great password management tools that can help you maintain unique and secure passwords for all your online accounts. Dashlane is the clear winner when it comes to user-friendliness, compatibility, feature set, and security. However, LastPass is slightly more affordable.

Ultimately, the decision between the two tools will come down to personal preference and needs. We hope that our comparison has helped you make a more informed decision. Regardless of which tool you choose, both LastPass and Dashlane are better than using weak, easily-hacked passwords.


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